
Replace Your Roof, Don't Just Repair

Roof replacements are a major home investment, so why replace instead of repair?  There are times when a repair can be a good thing, but unless your roof is less than 5 years old a repair will only put a patch on what could be a bigger problem. The older your roof is the more likely it is to have more than one problem; even if you don't see it automatically just by looking at the roof.

If your shingles are broken, torn apart, coming off, buckling, cracked, or missing then your roof probably needs to be replaced instead of just repaired.  If your shingles have changed color or are missing then your roof probably needs replacing. 

A good rule of thumb is that your roof should be replaced about every 20 years, as at about 20 years the asphalt shingles (which are on most WNY roofs) will start to break down naturally.  With ice and snow weighing on your roof, as we often have in our Western New York Winters, the shingles can age more quickly from weather damage.  Any leftover water from snow and ice that is stagnant on your roof can be dried up by the sun and cause damage to the area that the water was pooling in. As the sun keeps hitting that spot, over time it can weaken the roof. Then, the weight of future rain hitting that area can cause breakage, holes, and leaks.  Replacing a damaged roof before the snow falls is always a good idea.

A roof replacement can also boost your curb appeal in a way that a repair can't.  Think about the roofs in your neighborhood. Which ones stand out to you, or are they all homogeneous? A new roof can make your home stand out in a beautiful way and though repairs can look seemless to the other shingles they don't give your whole roof a fresh and clean look.  

Roof replacements can be more affordable than you would think, especially with our financing options. Please reach out to us to find out how we can help you put a Klaus Roof on Your House.