
Take Time In Fall To Get Your Roof Winter Ready

Your roof isn't only the top of your home, it is also one of your best defenses from winter weather. But are you doing what you should to help get your roof ready for winter? Here are some things that you should do in the fall to keep your roof in top shape.

Clear Leaves From Roof Crevices. : Clearing leaves from crevices and areas where the roof joins is very important if they do not blow away on their own. Leaves piled up can collect water and cause leaks from the weight of the water collected.

Clean Your Gutters : Dirty gutters or gutters full of debris can cause water to backup, and over winter this water back up can cause ice damage. Cluttered gutters can also be nesting places for small animals like mice.

Remove Overhanging Branches : Branches hanging over your roof not only drop leaves immediatly onto your roof, they can also potentially cause damage from branches falling on or scratching shingles. And if your tree normally gets ice on it, the the branch could freeze onto your roof and cause serious damage to the structural integrity of the shingles.

Do A Visual Inspection Of Your Roof : Are your shingles seriously discolored, look ripped, missing, or out of place? These could lead to leaks and should be addressed right away. Is your roof sagging? This could be a structural issue and should be addressed.  Is your roof just looking faded and old? It might be time for a roof replacement, though it might be able to wait until spring. Set up a free estimate with us to find out if it can wait a little.

Check The Insulation I Your Attic : Yes, that's not exactly the roof, but it can tell you a lot about what is going on with your roof. Ripped insulation might indicate that an animal has gotten into your attic and could have torn part of your roof. Wet or moldy insulation? It might indicate a leak in the roof that you can't see; and moisture can damage or rot your roof supports. Take care of this right away to prevent bigger problems.