
Six Quick Tips For Your Roof This Spring

Spring has (finally!) come to Western New York, and it’s a great time to spend time outside again. It’s a great time to start getting your home ready for the warmer weather to come, and we want to give you some tips on how to give your roof some special attention before summer! We are also posting about this on our Facebook page, check it out:


- Clear Debris From Your Roof – Snow isn’t the only thing that the winds can push onto your roof in winter. Old leaves, pinecones, and trash can make their way onto your roof and damage it over time, so it’s a great time to remove them.


- Remove Any Nests – Birds are amazing and beautiful, but they also carry insects and other pests that can roost in your roof with them. Nests can clog your gutters, and bird droppings can damage your roof. Contact your local wildlife expert for help removing any birds’ nests.

And while you’re taking those off, check for wasps’ nests, or other insect habitats in your roof. It’s better to remove them now when they are small before they become a big problem.


- Trim Overhanging Tree Limbs – We said this in fall, and we will say it again: tree branches can damage your shingles, and if they are large can break off and damage your roof. Remove tree branches that are growing over your roof, and avoid issues later.


- Check for Moss And Remove It – Moss growing on your roof is often a sign that your shingles are damaged or that there is water pooling in that area and letting it grow. Removing it will help prevent leaks, and contact KRS of WNY to have broken, missing, or damaged shingles replaced.


- Check For Missing Shingles – The winter storms and high winds that we have had in the last few months have lead to a lot of roofs being damaged and shingles falling off. Before these missing or damaged pieces become a problem or cause leaks, call us at KRS of WNY and let us help you replace them safely.


- Clean And Check Your Gutters – Did you clean your gutters last fall? If not then now is a great time to do so! And check them for any of the debris mentioned above; which could also be in them as well as on the roof. This will help prevent water back-ups and leaks later in the season.